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Professor Sushanta from Queen Mary University of London conducted tutorials on English academic papers for our teachers and students
2024-11-06 10:51 Hits:

At the invitation of the School of Finance, Mallick Sushanta Kumar, a professor at Queen Mary University of London, came to work at the University between November 2 and 5 to conduct one-on-one English dissertation writing tutorials for nine young faculty members and PhD students of the School. Prof. Sushanta is the editor-in-chief of the SSCI journals Economic Modelling and Oxford Economic Papers. According to the IDEAS/RePEc rankings, he is one of the top 5% of economists in the world. He has published more than 100 academic papers in international high-level journals, and his research areas cover international economy, banking, finance, etc. This English academic paper tutorial plays a positive role in cultivating the English academic paper writing ability of our young teachers and doctoral students, and lays a solid foundation for them to publish high-level papers in international academic journals in the future. (Contributed by Li Zhinan, School of Finance)